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How to use the bi-facial solar photovoltaic panels for their maximum potential

Bi-facial solar photovoltaic panels are increasing their market share in solar photovoltaic power plant applications and quickly replacing mono-facial solar photovoltaic panels. Since both sides (top and bottom sides) of solar photovoltaic solar panels can generate solar power when exposed to direct sunlight, it is common to expose only the top side of the bi-facial solar photovoltaic panel to direct sunlight leaving the bottom side of the bi-facial solar photovoltaic panel left to receive the albedo reflected sunlight from the ground.
The market offers bi-facial solar panels in 3 types
1. Mono-perc with a bi-facial index of 62%
2. Topcon with a bi-facial index of 68% and
3. HJT with a bi-facial index of 85%

It reveals a potential additional power generation of up to 85% is possible when using bi-facial solar panels, the market harvests an additional power generation between 3% to 15% only at present, since additional power generation largely depends upon the methodologies used in installing bifacial solar panels. In other words, a large portion of the power generation potential of bi-facial solar photovoltaic panels is still untapped. Our company M/s. Ezon Solar Tracker P Limited has come out with 3 inventions to suit all three formats of solar power plant installations (i) ground mounted, (ii) roof-top, and (iii) floating solar installations to generate additional power. The additional power from the bottom side of a bi-facial solar photovoltaic panel can be harvested in the following methodologies:

S. No. Methodologies How does the methodology work Potential of additional power generation (Additional power) whether definitive or non-definitive The best methodology
1 By using a sunlight reflector Sunlight reflector reflects the direct sun's rays to the bottom side Considerable. Definitive The best methodology would be mounting bifacial solar panels on a Horizontal dual-axis solar tracker with sunlight reflectors
2 By mounting on a horizontal dual-axis solar tracker (HDAT) The bottom side is exposed to more sunlight than any other methodologies Highest Definitive
3 Converting the albedo to a better reflective surface Limited options for additional power generation Limited Non-Definitive

1. By using a sunlight reflector
2. By mounting on a solar tracker (either a single-axis solar tracker or a horizontal dual-axis solar tracker (HDAT))
3. By converting the albedo to a better reflective surface.

So, for ground-mounted applications, the best use of bi-facial solar photovoltaic panels is to mount them on our patented and world’s first Horizontal Dual-Axis Solar Tracker along with one sunlight reflector mounted on both length sides of each bi-facial solar photovoltaic panel to generate the maximum power from the bi-facial solar photovoltaic panels. It has been demonstrated that 100% additional power can be generated over an equivalent fixed-tilt solar installation with mono-facial solar panels. Similarly, for roof-top and floating solar power plant applications, our innovative and patented structure with reflectors can generate 30% additional power generation over an equivalent fixed-tilt solar installation with mono-facial solar panels. Only Ezon Solar Tracker P Limited has inventions for all three types of solar power plant installations that use bi-facial solar panels to generate at their maximum in the world.

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